Fossil Corp

Fossil Corp is a galactic megacorporation known for his large scale strip mining and oil drilling operations. Their main headquarters are on the desert moon Radiomuna in the trinary star system 86 Radonia.

Lord Krypton of the Noble Gas Kingdom is also the CEO using his influence in galactic government to his advantage to maximize profits.


Once an uncontested financial powerhouse, Fossil Corp has seen decline due to the rise of a much cleaner source of energy derived from crystals. Struggling to compete and on the verge of becoming obsolete, Fossil Corp turned to shady dealings with the criminal underground as well as off the record transactions from none other than high ranking members of the Noble Gas Council.

The world which their headquarters are have been turned into an apocalyptic wasteland almost constantly covered in smog with very little, if any vegetation left.

Fossil Corp also operated in the 54 Xenia system, researching the energy potential of the native life form believed to have been descended from the remains of an ancient wildlife santuary.

Periodic Table Universe


DropletMolly-QLProfessor Humphry Heisenberg OttoDr. Ruby DiumLord KryptonProfessor StratusFirelingKalofriohDuchess Cara BonnieSobekCaptain Salty PeterSill E. ConTachyon Gang • Iron • Nitrogen • Lord Radon • Plutonium Overlord • King Kelvin • Emperor Axion

Tree FrogsFire GruntsGorgonCoriphantMad Hatter

Galactic Science FestivalSandwich CompoundFossil CorpIgneous RockAvogadro Family

Worlds • Independent Systems • Hydrogen Sovereignty • Alkali Kingdom • Alkali Earth Metal Kingdom • Scandium Kingdom • Titanium Kingdom • Vanadium Kingdom • Chromium Kingdom • Manganese Kingdom • Iron Kingdom • Cobalt Kingdom • Nickel Kingdom • Coinage Metal Kingdom • Zinc Kingdom • Triel Kingdom • Tetrel Kingdom • Pnictogen Kingdom • Chalcogen Kingdom • Halogen Kingdom • Noble Gas Kingdom • Lanthanide Kingdom • Actinide Kingdom • Dark Matter Empire • Uncharted Systems
