Captain Salty Peter is one of the most notorious pirates in the galaxy. He was hired by Lord Krypton to hunt down the crystals on the 54 Xenia system and to claim the bounty on Droplet and Molly-QL put out by Lord Krypton.
A native of the pirate haven of Kino III, Captain Salty Peter is the scourge of the galactic seas. He is infamous for his use of gunpowder weapons to get his way. He has an entire fleet of bucaneers at his disposal, pirates that sail the seas, skies and stars.
Captain Salty Peter has many feats under his belt. He initially rose to fame after being the first to discover a lost island on Xenia c filled with dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. These creatures were said to be the remnants of ancient wildlife sanctuary created by a lost galactic civilization. He used the island as a hideout while starting a protection racket for any archaeologists and biologists who wished to investigate the island themselves.
Over the years, he has plundered many ships and ancient cities filled with lost treasures. He is wanted in multiple systems for kidnapping, arson and piracy. Perhaps his most infamous act was capturing the pleasure yacht of Lady Xenon and holding the lady herself for a ransom of one hundred million atoms. The ransom, however, was not successful as Professor Humphry Heisenberg Otto himself eventually rescued her from Salty Peter’s clutches. Despite this, Salty Peter congratulated the professor for giving him a good challenge.
As dastardly and infamous as he is, Salty Peter is an honorable pirate that follows a strict creed. He rarely spends the treasure he collects, preferring to instead hoard it for safekeeping as he is mostly in it for the thrill and adventure. His crewmates, while not the brightest bulbs, are fiercely loyal to him.
The one thing that Salty Peter has sworn that he will never steal is an indie video game. He admires hard work and dedication wherever he sees it.
Droplet • Molly-QL • Professor Humphry Heisenberg Otto • Dr. Ruby Dium • Lord Krypton • Professor Stratus • Fireling • Kalofrioh • Duchess Cara Bonnie • Sobek • Captain Salty Peter • Sill E. Con • Tachyon Gang • Iron • Nitrogen • Lord Radon • Plutonium Overlord • King Kelvin • Emperor Axion
Tree Frogs • Fire Grunts • Gorgon • Coriphant • Mad Hatter
Galactic Science Festival • Sandwich Compound • Fossil Corp • Igneous Rock • Avogadro Family
Worlds • Independent Systems • Hydrogen Sovereignty • Alkali Kingdom • Alkali Earth Metal Kingdom • Scandium Kingdom • Titanium Kingdom • Vanadium Kingdom • Chromium Kingdom • Manganese Kingdom • Iron Kingdom • Cobalt Kingdom • Nickel Kingdom • Coinage Metal Kingdom • Zinc Kingdom • Triel Kingdom • Tetrel Kingdom • Pnictogen Kingdom • Chalcogen Kingdom • Halogen Kingdom • Noble Gas Kingdom • Lanthanide Kingdom • Actinide Kingdom • Dark Matter Empire • Uncharted Systems