Droplet: Update 1.0.2

Bug Fixes -Fixed a bug where you can swim in air by exiting from the title screen while underwater. -Fixed another wall in Haunted Bastion with missing collision. (Yet again, not that other one.) -Fixed a graphical glitch where a Garro may appear in the firing animation when sunk in lava. -Fixed a bug that… Continue reading Droplet: Update 1.0.2

New forum launched!

A forum has been created for this site. Users can now give feedback or discuss the site in a more user-friendly location.

New game released!

A new 2D sidescroller has been uploaded to the games section of the website.  It is currently in beta form, but has six playable levels.  The game will be updated every Friday until its TBA date of completion.

Dipping into the water

Krayfish Entertainment is a new ambitious project.  This website is under construction. Krayfish Entertainment will involve original games, music, stories and other contents.