Droplet: States of Matter – Weather Machine Test Site and more!

Hey guys! Krayfishkarl here and welcome to another Droplet: States of Matter update! Early Access 1.43 is now available! This update continues the process of reshuffling atoms throughout the game.

First off, the Neo Kryptopolis level has received a second pass. While the level layout remains mostly identical to how it was before, you’ll find it to be inhabited by several new enemies. Holograms have the ability to change their own state of matter to guard against your attacks much in the same way Duchess Cara Bonnie does. For example, if you are in cloud form, it will change itself to metal, and if you’re in ice form, it will change itself to be transparent. Another new enemy is the Eye Laser. It protects itself with an impenetrable shell until it is ready to attack, during which time, it is vulnerable.

Neo Kryptopolis wasn’t the only level to receive a rework. I’ve also given a second pass to the Weather Machine Test Site, otherwise known as the lost level that I rescued from a damaged hard drive. The changes to this area were far more extensive, with updated layouts and graphical improvements. A new enemy type has been introduced here: dark matter beings. These enemies are immune to all states of matter except for plasma form. Naturally, as this is the last level before the final boss, be prepared for a very challenging experience. You’ll also find some entry logs from a certain scientist that conducted experiments here. If you choose to do so, you can stop to read them to learn more about the backstory of this area.

Lastly, I recently did a 100% playthrough of the game to evaluate where the game is at. It took me approximately 9 hours to complete, and that’s factoring in how I already know where everything in the game is. I’m overall happy with how much content the game has, and I’m looking forward to finishing up the last few critical features.

That’s all for now! And with that, thank you for following the development of Droplet: States of Matter!

Patch Notes


  • Layout update of Weather Machine Test Site.
  • New enemies in Weather Machine Test Site: Dark matter creatures which are immune to everything except plasma form.
  • New enemies in Neo Kryptopolis: Holograms and Eye Lasers.
  • Reshuffled atoms in Neo Kryptopolis.
  • Streamlined some of the puzzles in Neo Kryptopolis to be more speedrun friendly.
  • Minor tweaks to level layout in Arctic Rig.
  • Activated levers no longer deflect projectiles.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to obtain a blue crystal in the final boss fight.
  • Cirrus Harbor time trial time made a little more generous.
  • Macro Kitchen time trial made more challenging.
  • Adjusted Gizmo Shop prices so that all abilities can be purchased when all atoms in the game have been found.


  • Graphical rework of Weather Machine Test Site.
  • Updated graphics on Robot Form Changers.
  • Updated graphics on red lasers.
  • New burn graphical effect added. Player becomes scorched in appearance if touching certain obstacles.
  • Updated animations for bats.
  • Minor graphics updates in Neo Kryptopolis.
  • Fixed some background graphics that were clipping in Macro Kitchen.
  • Updated graphics for spikes in Industrial Junkyard.
  • Graphically updated barriers that require defeating a certain number of enemies.
  • Fixed bug where Kalofrioh’s volcano was the wrong color.
  • Fixed various misplaced graphics.


  • Bug fix with intro cutscene showing wrong character name.
  • Fixed a typo in the Aragonia system description.
  • Updated some of the superluminal scanner hints.

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