So my schedule still remains pretty jam-packed, but I’m going to do the best I can to get the following done throughout the next few months:
- Droplet: States of Matter’s patches from now on are going to be in much smaller chunks than before. Basically, I’m just going to update one level at a time – each which may contain a few additional fixes.
- Another Mario World Hack video should be out by the end of the month. I put it on hold since Droplet had just released around the time the next one was meant to come out.
- Krayverse will be and still is getting a ton of updates! This is going to be my daily update – new pages related to any of the settings of the Krayverse.
- Periodic Table Universe details will be revealed as Droplet: States of Matter develops.
- World of Silva – I’m currently working on the continuity of it, and trying to decide which elements belong in Karland and which ones should stay in World of Silva.
- For the Karland universe, I’m pouring through 20 year old Powerpoint cartoons and Word docs to thoroughly document my childhood imagination and present it in a modern format for all you guys to enjoy!
- Porpoise Universe – Same with Karland, will need to pour through 20 year old files.
- Dreamwalkers – Will continue importing from the Omniverse Nexus.
- MIM – Will continue importing from the Omniverse Nexus.
- Sleep Descent is currently paused again (sorry – I know, it’s been receiving the short end of the stick). I’m thinking it’s best to make sure Droplet is out of early access first so that I’m not stretched too thin working on two big games at once. In the meantime, the Krayverse will still receive plenty of updates about the world of Sleep Descent.
And lastly of course, I’m going to start updating the announcement section of this website far more often. Lots of stuff has been happening off-site so I want to make sure all the official outlets are getting all the attention they need!